Tuesday 17 January 2012

YOGYAKARTA Tourist Paradise on the Island of Java

Monument of Jogja

YOGYAKARTA (often also called Jogja, Yogyakarta or Yogya) is located in the middle of Java Island - Indonesia, where everything was cheap. Enough with the 200.000 rupiah (20 usd) day, you can stay, eat traditional cuisine of the famous, and rent a bike to explore the beaches are pristine and ancient temples thousands of years old.

A thousand years ago, London was the center of the ancient Mataram kingdom prosperous and has a high civilization. Who founded the kingdom is the Borobudur Buddhist temple which is the largest in the world, 300 years before Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Other relics are the temple of Prambanan, Ratu Boko Palace, and dozens of other temples that have been restored and are still buried under the ground (see Tour Temple).

But by some mysterious reason, the Ancient Mataram Kingdom central government moved to East Java in the 10th century. The magnificent temples were abandoned and partly buried by the eruption of Mount Merapi material. Slowly, the Yogyakarta area went back into the thick forest.

Six hundred years later, Panembahan Senopati establish Islamic Mataram kingdom in this region. Once again history of the kingdom of Yogyakarta to witness the great master Java and beyond. Islamic Mataram kingdom has left a trail of ruins of the castle and royal tombs in the town now known as the silver center in Yogyakarta

What To See?

Sundak Beach

Sundak Beach not only has a fascinating natural scenery, but also keeps the story. Name Sundak turns to experience the evolution of the evidences can be traced geologically.

In order to know how evolution, visitors must know first the condition of outskirts Sundak Beach then and now. On the western edge of the beach when there YogYES visited mosques and vacant space is now used as a parking lot. While in the east there is a cave formed by a rock about 12 meters altitude. Entering the cave, will be found natural wells where people get fresh water.

Besides offering a silent witness to history, Sundak also offers a pleasant evening. You can enjoy the night wind while ordering raw fish to be grilled with a friend. By paying a few thousand, you can buy wood for fuel. If lazy, so that messages are cooked ready to eat. What is clear, do not be confused to find a place to stay. Visitors can sleep anywhere, set up a tent, or just lying on the bench stall if unused nights. Darkness does not need to fuss, is not boring if life continues bright?

Sundak Beach, Yogyakarta Indonesia

Parangtritis Beach

Parangtritis Beach is located 27 km south of Yogyakarta and easily accessible by public transport operation until at 17:00, as well as private vehicles. The afternoon before sunset is the best time to visit the most popular beach in Yogyakarta. But if you arrive more quickly, it could not hurt to go up to the cliffs behind the beach Gembirawati this. From there we could see the whole area Parangtritis, south sea, down to the horizon

Parangtritis also offer excitement for those who travel with family. Kite-flying with your baby is equally enjoyable. Strong sea breeze which is very helpful to make a kite flying high, even if you have never played a kite though.

Still reluctant to go home even though the sun had set? Soon some roasted corn sellers will hold a mat on the beach, we could hang out there until late at night. Still did not want to go home? Do not worry, Parangtritis available at dozens of flights and accommodation at an affordable price.

Parangtritis Beach

Ratu Boko Palace

Ratu Boko's palace is a magnificent building that was built during the reign of Rakai Panangkaran, one descendant dynasty dynasty. The palace which was originally named Abhayagiri Vihara (monastery means peaceful hill) was built for seclusion and focus on spiritual life. Being in this palace, you can feel the peace as well as see the sights of the city of Yogyakarta and Prambanan Temple in the background of Mount Merapi.

This palace is located 196 meters above sea level. An area of ​​250,000 m 2 area of ​​the palace is divided into four, namely central, western, southeast, and east. The middle section consists of building the main gate, field, Combustion Temple, pond, stone berumpak, and Paseban. Meanwhile, the southeast part includes Hall, Hall-Hall, three temples, ponds, and complex for princess. Complex cave, Buddhist Stupa, and a pool located on the east. While the western part consists only of the hills

If you enter from the gate of the palace, you will go directly to the center. Two high arches will welcome you. The first gate has three entrances while the second has 5 doors. If you are careful, on the first gate to be found writing 'Panabwara'. Said that, based on the inscription of Central Wanua III, written by Rakai Panabwara, (descendants of Rakai Panangkaran) which took over the palace. The objective is to legitimize his power, to give 'power' more glorious and gave a sign that the building was the main building.

About 45 meters from the second gate, you will see a temple made of white stones so-called Temple of White Stone. Not far from there, you will also find Combustion Temple. The temple is a square (26 meters x 26 meters) and has 2 terraces. As the name implies, the temple was used for burning bodies. In addition to the temple, a stone berumpak and pools will be found later if you walk about 10 meters from the Temple Combustion.

Ratu Boko Palace

Borobudur Temple

Who does not know Borobudur? This Buddhist temple has 1460 relief panels and 504 Buddha effigies in its complex. Millions of people longing to visit the buildings included in this World Wonder Heritages. Not surprisingly, since architecturally and functionally, as a place of worship, Borobudur is attractive.

Borobudur punden staircase-shaped building consists of 10 levels. Height of 42 meters and 34.5 meters before it was renovated after the renovation because the lowest level was used as a drag. Six lowest level square and the upper three circular form, and the highest level in the form of a Buddhist stupa facing westward. Each level represents the stages of human life. In accordance schools of Mahayana Buddhism, every person who wants to reach the level of the Buddha must through every level of life is.

With all the grandeur and mystery that is, only natural that many people of all penjru world enter the Borobudur as a place to visit in his life. Besides enjoying the temple, you can walk around to the villages around Borobudur, like Karanganyar and Wanurejo to see the activities of people make crafts. You can also go to the top watu Kendil to be able to view panorama from the top of Borobudur.

Borobudur Temple

Prambanan Temple

Prambanan is a Hindu cultural masterpieces of the 10th century. The building is slender and towering as high as 47 meters makes an unparalleled architectural beauty.

Prambanan is incredibly beautiful building built in the 10th century during the reign of two kings, Rakai Rakai Pikatan and Balitung. Rose as high as 47 feet (5 meters higher than Borobudur temple), the foundation of this temple has fulfilled the desire to show Hindu triumph in Java Island. This temple is located 17 kilometers from the city center, in the middle of the area that is now a beautiful park.

Prambanan temple has three main temples in the primary yard, namely Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva. These three temples are symbols of Trimurti in Hindu belief. The third temple is facing east. Each main temple has accompanying temple facing to the west, namely Nandini for Shiva, Swan to Brahma, and Garuda for Vishnu. In addition, there are two temples wedge, 4 temples color, and 4 corner temples. In the second had 224 temples.

Prambanan Temple

Jomblang Cave

Jomblang Cave is one of hundreds of caves Gunungkidul famous cave complex because of the uniqueness and beauty are indisputable. In 2011, Cave Jomblang be a place of shooting Amazing Race America. Located in the southern coastal karst hills stretch that extends from Gombong, Central Java; until Sewu Mountain karst area, Pacitan, East Java; the type of vertical cave collapse doline is formed due to geological processes amblesnya existing vegetation and soil on top to the bottom of the earth that occurs thousands of years ago. These ruins formed a sinkhole or sinks in the Java language known as luweng. Because of that cave that has a wid

Jomblang Cave

Malioboro Street

Malioboro is a series of history, stories and memories are intertwined in the minds of every person who ever menyambanginya. Charm of this road had never faded by time. Exotic Malioboro continue glowing until now and inspire many people, and forced them to keep coming back to Yogyakarta. As the initial sentence is in rhyme Melodia work Umbu Landu Paranggi "Love is what makes me feel at home occasionally survive", memories and love of many people towards Malioboro who made these roads continue to survive until now.

Besides being a center of trade, the road which is part of the imaginary axis that connects Parangtritis, Stage Krapyak, Sultan Palace, Monument, and Mount Merapi was once a nest as well as stage performances by artists Malioboro Umbu Landu Paranggi leaders. They are also the culture of sitting on the sidewalk Lesbian popularized that eventually took root and is identical to Malioboro. Enjoying a romantic dinner in the shop while listening to other street lesehan hummed the song "Yogyakarta" Kelly's experience will be a very impression on the heart.

Malioboro street at night

Culinary Tour

If New York is often referred to as the "Big Apple" and Jakarta as the "Big Durian", then the Yogyakarta may be called "Big Jackfruit" (= Jackfruit Giant) because of its warm culinary so popular. Delicious cuisine made ​​from young jackfruit is as a food mandatory for anyone who was visiting the tourist paradise on the island of Java. Gori (young jack fruit) in such a way that gummy cleaned and then cooked in coconut milk with herbs and spices for hours. Once cooked, categories become soft and slightly sweet. Gudeg usually served with "sambal goreng krecek" (cowhide) spicy, boiled egg, tofu and "tempeh bacem", as well as chicken or chicken bacem opor. As a final touch, warm watered savory areh which gives the distinctive taste is second to none. Yum-yum ...


UJUNG GENTENG Surfers Paradise in the South West Java

Ujung Genteng Beach

Ujung Genteng is located in Sukabumi, West Java. To achieve it takes about 6 to 7 hours from Jakarta. Time is not a little dizzy. Distance of more than 200 miles plus a state road that has not been too kind to make needed long enough to reach the end tile.

The beach in this area is the southern coast of Java Island which is the coast of the Indian Ocean. However, because of the rocks on the sea coast before making big waves that come fragmented, so the waves on the beach is not too large. Sea water is still clear so you can settle for enjoying the scenery and enjoy the crystal clear water beaches. In fact you can see coral reefs and beautiful fish, colorful without having to dive or snorkel. This beach is also a perfect place for enjoying the sunset

Another attraction of the coast of Ujung Genteng is a natural aquarium. You can see the fish colorful trapped in the holes on the beach. Waves that swept the coast, sometimes bringing these beautiful fish to shore and occupy the holes between the rocks on the beach. This unique landscape you can enjoy in Cibuaya Beach, Ujung Genteng.

Sunset at Cibuaya Beach, Ujung Genteng

Natural Aquarium at Cibuaya Beach, Ujung Genteng

Releasing Sea Turtle Baby at Pangumbahan Beach, Ujung Genteng

Edge tiles in the region, there are also Coast Pengumbahan. The beach is a favorite place for sea turtles lay their eggs. This is the main attraction of this beach. At night, if lucky, you can see large turtles that led to the shore to spawn. You can also see the process of these turtles lay eggs. In order not to disturb sea turtles and make them leave these shores, so when it saw the light had to use a very minimal and should not sound surprising.

A turtle can lay eggs up to one hundred grains. These turtles will lay their eggs in the sand. Usually the officer will immediately secure the eggs are for cultivated without any interruption.

Surfers Paradise
The best spot in Ujung Genteng for Surfing is Ombak Tujuh Beach (Seven Waves Beach), is located 15-16 km from Ujung Genteng or 25-26 km from pelabuhan ratu 
Ombak Tujuh Beach (Seven Waves Beach)

Surfing at Seven Waves Beach

Batik Mega Mendung (Batik Trusmi) Cultural Heritage of Cirebon

Batik Workers Trusmi Vilage

Cirebonan batik or Batik Trusmi center is located in the Trusmi village, Plered, Cirebon. There are more than 1000 workers or craftsmen batik. Batik workers comes from several areas around the Trusmi village, such as from the Gamel village, Kaliwulu, Wotgali and Kalitengah. 

Megamendung batik motif is identical batik artwork and even the iconic batik Cirebon regions and other Indonesian regions. This batik motif has a peculiarity that is not found in other batik producing areas. In fact, because only in Cirebon and is a masterpiece, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of RI will register megamendung pattern to UNESCO for recognition as one of the world heritage. '
Megamendung pattern as the basic motif of batik is well known to foreign countries. As proof of his fame, never made ​​megamendung pattern batik cover of a book published abroad are entitled Batik Design, the work of a Dutch named Pepin van Roojen. Distinctiveness megamendung pattern not only on the motive which is an image resembling a cloud with assertive colors, but also the values ​​embodied in the philosophy of his motives

Trusmi batik batik triumph became an icon in the collections of the national fabric. Batik Cirebon own one of those Coasts, but also sebahagian batik batik Cirebon included in the collection of court. This kerana Cirebon have two palaces and palace namely Keratonan Kasepuhan Kanoman, supposedly based on the history of the two palace they appeared some form of batik Cirebonan Classics, which until now is still done by the villagers sebahagian Trusmi such as Mega Mendung, Paksinaga Liman,patran Keris,patran Kangkung,Singa Payung,Singa Barong,Banjar Sungai , Ayam Alas, Sawat Pengantin, Katewono, Gunung Giwur, Simbar Menjangan,Simbar Kendo

BANDUNG The Paris Van Java

Gedung Sate Bandung

Bandung City is the largest metropolitan city in West Java at once became the capital ofthe province. The city is located 140 km southeast of Jakarta. In this historic city, the scene of battle at the time of independence, and once the meeting place of Asian-African Conference of 1955, a meeting who voiced the spirit of anti-colonialism, and even the Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru in his speech said that Bandung is the capital of Asia and Africa.
In 1990 the city of Bandung was one of the safest cities in the world by Time magazine survey.
The city flower is another name for this city, because in ancient times was considered very beautiful city with many trees and flowers that grow there. Additionally Bandung formerly also called Parijs van Java because of its beauty. Besides the city of Bandung also knownas a shopping city, with malls and factory outlets are widely spread in this city, and nowgradually also became a city of Bandung city culinary tour. And in 2007, the British Councilmade ​​the city of Bandung as a pilot project city terkreatif as East Asia. At present the city of Bandung is one of the main objectives of tourism and education

Bandung Art & Culture

ANGKLUNG (Made of Bamboos)

In its stage, Angklung needs many personal. The instrument made from bamboo where its use by shaken down. That way the instruments will release unique sounds.

The shape of angklung consists of two bamboo sticks on many shapes, which are balanced, with the need of frequencies of tone. Its shape is shaping look like Calung instrument. To get angklung tone is not by beat but by shaken it so that the touch of every element of Angklung body can produce a tone.

Nowadays Angklung develop as Angklung in duotone that is developed by Daeng Soetigna. Because of it, Daeng Soetigna are well known in Karawitan Sunda as ‘Bapak Angklung Diatonis Kromatis’, who are an artist pioneering the changes of Angklung tone in Pentatonic (da-mi-na-ti-la-da in Salendro Key) such as growth in Banten (Pandeglang and Serang). In Banten, this new Angklung art is well known as Angklung Gubrag, Angklung Sered, or Angklung Buncis.

In the last decade this Angklung art (duotone) become more popular and have a nice image in society especially at the middle to upper. In practice, this art is performing an orchestra (between 30 to 60 people) that is usually watch by government officer or in order to welcome guesses from inside or outside country.

Angklung Mang Udjo

Bandung Tourism

Situ Patenggang

Situ Patenggang is a beautiful lake located in the area of ​​Ciwidey, West Java. You can feel the serenity of the lake to see this and feel the cool mountain air that blows. Plus it is situated not far from the well known tourist attraction is Crater White. So by visiting one location, you can enjoy twointeresting sights as well as the crater of White and Situ Patenggang

Situ Patenggang Bandung West Java 
Situ Patenggang

Kawah Putih (Crater of White)

White Crater the land above the clouds
The crater of white is located in Patuha Mountain, located in West Java. The height of this mountain is 2386 meters. The crater of Mount Patuha this is used as an interesting tourist attraction under the name White crater.

The Land above clouds

Kawah Putih (Crater of White)


Bandung is no mistaking paradise of shopping, especially clothing or fashion. Many of the road or in the Bandung area in which there were lined Factory Outlet is offering various types of clothing products with good quality but the price can match you with your bags

List of addresses Bandung Factory Outlet

Bandung Stocklot Center --- 
Soekarno Hatta street No. 397

Best Choice --- Setiabudi street No. 158

Blossom --- Juanda street

Cargo --- Diponegoro street No. 30

Emporio --- Ir. Sutami street No. 109

Expose --- Cipaganti street No. 60

Heritage --- R.E Martadinata street No. 63

M&M --- Ir. H Juanda street No. 81-83

No Label shop --- Otten street No. 1

Rainbow --- Sukajadi street No. 168-170

Rich and Famous --- Ir. H Juanda street No. 14

Rumah Mode --- Setiabudi street No. 14 F

The Summit  --- R.E Martadinata street No. 61

Up Town --- Ir. H Juanda street No. 84

Culinary Tourism

Bandung is a food paradise, it seems nobody can argue with this. a walk while a culinary tour in Bandung is a very clear not to be missed. There are many specialties that can be tasted in a tour in Bandung
for example: Mie kocok (noodles whipped) , batagor, Siomay (dumplings), Mie yamin (noodles yamin), Nasi pepes (Pepes rice), Nasi bakar (roasted rice), Nasi timbel (Timbel rice), and much more
Nasi Timbel (Timbel Rice)


Mie Kocok (Whipped Noodles)

Nasi Bakar (Roasted Rice)